Ustadh AbdulRahman Hassan
Princess Haya Center
Al Mizhar, Dubai
Friday, 21 June 2019
4pm - 10 pm
Aed 100/- Per Student
Limited Seats
Separate seating available for sisters & mothers.
Language: English
Refreshment & Snacks
A Muslim Productivity Discourse
Time is a blessing from Allah. It is one of the most valuable resources in our lives. Yet, how many of us know how to properly manage it and derive maximum benefit from it? Time influences our lives, impacts our actions, and shapes our decisions. Nevertheless, we lose control of this great resource and thus open upon ourselves the doors of loss and misfortune. But like any of our modern issues or problems, the solutions is in our Noble Quran and Sunnah and actions of our pious predecessors, and it is our duty to learn and implement these perfect solutions in our daily lives.
This seminar aims to be a gateway for you to learn various time management techniques and organizational tips that are extracted from our religion. Based on the book by the ‘Sheikh of Islam’ Ibn Taymiyyah “The Believer doesn’t take a Holiday” and beautifully explained by Ustadh Abdurrahman Hassan, this seminar encompasses many issues regarding time and its correct usage, such as, the importance of time, best ways to utilize time, how the pious predecessors used to spend their time, how to derive maximum benefit from your time and much more.
About the speaker
Ustadh AbdulRahman Hassan memorised Qur’an and Buloogh Al-Muraam by the age of 10. He has travelled to different countries to study with a number of prominent scholars. He is the founder of Al Madrasatu Al Umariyyah, an online program in the English language for seeking knowledge in the classical way. He has studied with prominent scholars such as: Shaykh Saalih Al-Fawzaan – Shaykh Muhammad Aadam Al-Ethiobee – Shaykh AbdulKareem Khudayr – Shaykh AbdulMuhsin Al-Abbaad – Saad Ibn Nasir Al Shithree – Shaykh Abdullah Al-Ubaylaan.
Register Now
- Confirmation of seat requires online registration and payment on or before of 20th June 2019.
- Only limited seats are available and registration confirmation is solely on first come first serve basis.
- Transportation is not available.
- Click on the next tab to find out more on how to pay and submit your proof of payment.
- For more information please contact us on
To confirm your seat, kindly make a payment at the earliest after registering. For your convenience we have provided 3 modes of payment, as listed below:
Cash/Card Payment any day of the week from 9:00 am – 6:00 pm except on Friday between 9.00 am – 12.00 pm. Click here for the location.
Make a deposit at the nearest Dubai Islamic Bank Cash Deposit Machine.
Bank Account Information:
Name: Kalema Center,
Account no: 001520263604201
To submit the proof of payment, kindly send the receipt along with your name & mobile number with the subject line: ‘The Essence of Time – Payment’ via email to
Transfer the fee amount to the following IBAN number: AE08 0240 0015 2026 3604 201.
Bank Account Information:
Name: Kalema Center,
Bank: Dubai Islamic Bank,
Account no: 001520263604201,
Branch: Al Qusais,
Swift code (8 digit): DUIBAEAD,
Swift code (11 digit): DUIBAEADXXX.
To submit the proof of payment, kindly send the receipt along with your name & mobile number with the subject line: ‘The Essence of Time – Payment’ via email to