Kalemah Exclusive Event

Story Time

By Sister Fathima Diaby

14th March 2020
09:00 pm to 11:00 am

6-7 years for boys & 6-9 years for girls

Kalemah Center, Al Qusais 3, Dubai

Click here for Location Map

Seats: As per capacity

Separate seating arrangement available for Sisters and Mothers with babies

About the Course

We hope by the grace of Allah that this program fulfills in quenching your child thirst curiosity about his / her faith .This course is  designed to enable the child to understand ,retain and live by the values pleasing to Allah and taught by our beloved prophet صل الله عليه و سلم 

indeed exposing the child in young age and continuity will bring firmness .thus to help in this goal parents and children will team up to question the child about what is learned in an out of the class and beyond it all practical discussion and tasks will be assigned to let the child blossom , extract his/ her own conclusions .

We ask Allah barakah and guidance for indeed HE is the best guide 

Course Goals

The course is intended to help the little ones (6-7 years Boys &  6-9 years  Girls) in their formative years to love attach and understand their religion.

Level one aquidah which is a child friendly introduction to the basic affairs of faith of the correct belief of the Muslim an overview instead of being detailed.

Course Learning Outcome

The young ones  are exposed  to learn crucial moral values set by the prophet and pious predecessors to shape their personality and class assignment serves to raise awareness and draw a practical analogy  with the values Learned theoretically .Being able to see goodness and good moral values and please Allah and be good towards their parents .

About the speaker

Sister Fatima Diaby is a student of knowledge in Islamic Studies based in the U.A.E. She is a graduate from the Academy of Creteil in France majoring in Literature and language as a speciality and has many years of teaching experience. She took most of her Islamic education from her father who was, Professor in Islamic theology. She memorized the Holy Quran at Quran centres Otrojah and Riad Saliheen. She is currently enrolled at Knowledge International University – K.S.A and prepares a double major

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