Tolerance And the ideal muslim personality

Registration Closed

5 Days & 4 Nights
Boys ( 13 - 18yrs)
1st - 5th April 2019
Aed 1600/- only
Mushrif Park

A 5-day Camp

The Kalemah Spring Camp 2019 is a 5-day initiative aimed at helping our youth achieve their true potential, teaching them what it means to be a proper Muslim in this day and age. The camp focuses on inculcating the characteristics of tolerance and the values of an ideal Muslim by taking them on a journey of spiritual enrichment. Coupled with motivational lectures and fun challenges, the Spring Camp serves as a means to help our youth realize their true identity as the future of this ummah.

A Fun-filled Experience

The Spring Camp aims to provide a holistic experience, teaching young minds important values and skills in a fun and entertaining way. Participants will enjoy 5 days filled with sports, competitions, adventure activities, campfire sessions, and more without transgressing the bounds of Islam while also learn about various other actions and habits which will bring a greater benefit in their life.

Soap football
campfire discussions
AND more
Topics Covered

A Complete Transformation

The spring camp aims at providing a complete transformation, giving participants a chance to improve their spiritual and social skills in an engaging and exciting environment. Whether it be team work, risk taking, confidence, or strength of character, the skills and experiences which they have learnt in the Spring camp will in sha Allah go a long way in moulding their personality. They will also engage with knowledgeable scholars and build unforgettable relationships, that will transform them for the future.

Parents Meet

The spring camp is not only 5 days, but a journey of a lifetime. The relationships and qualities your child has developed in these 5 days will in sha Allah help them both in this world and teach the child the ways of unlocking the pleasure of Allah and gaining his mercy. Before the closing ceremony we will have a special campfire with the parents to involve them in the experience of the spring camp. It is an exclusive opportunity to consult and ask the scholars on advice or suggestions for any concerns or doubts you may have about your child. 

~ Get ready for a spring you will never forget ~

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