Mu'adh Bin Jabal Project
Lifestyle of the Muslim Track
22th July 2024 to 15th August 2024
Age Group
aged 11 to 16 YRS (Boys & Girls)
4 weeks
Class frequency
Twice a week
Monday & Wednesday
Tuesday & Thursday
10:00am – 11:30am
5:00pm – 6:30pm
07:30pm – 8:40pm
Free to enrol
Kalemah Islamic Center – Mirdif
Abdulrahman Taher Masjid Al nahda 2
Sheikha Masjid - downtown dubai
Al Raffa Masjid – Al Raffa
About the Track
One of the tracks of the Mu’adh bin Jabal project, this track covers various stations related to how a Young Muslim should organize their day from waking up to going to sleep. This is done through several prophetic guidelines and stories of the early generations of Muslims (السلف – As-Salaf).
Track objectives
- Enhance the value of organization and the importance of instilling time management in children.
- Teach children daily manners in (the home, school, playground) according to the Prophetic tradition (السنة النبوية – Sunnah).
- Develop a balanced personality that understands its rights and responsibilities throughout the day and night.
Key learning Outcomes:
- What are Islamic ethics, and how do we apply them in our daily lives?
- How did the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ spend his day, and what is our duty as Muslims in this regard?
- What national values and ethics can we learn from our noble religion’s heritage?
Key Questions Addressed by the Track:
- Children’s understanding of basic Islamic ethics and their ability to apply them.
- Enhanced sense of responsibility and discipline in children.
- Encouraging children to emulate positive examples from Islamic and national history.

Attendance Policy:
1- Attendance is mandatory.
2- If the student’s absence reaches 30%, they may be excluded from the program unless they provide an approved excuse by the administration.
Please note:
– Limited Seats, Priority on first come first serve basis.
There will be 4 instructors for this Tracks, each instructor will be teaching in one specific location.
Ustadh Mohammed Samir is an experienced teacher who taught the Quran for 10 years and Islamic studies and English for 15 years. He participated in international conferences and gave lectures in Egypt and Saudi Arabia. He is active in preaching within the Egyptian Ministry of Religious Endowments and is certified in various Quranic recitations. He serves as a member of committees in different Islamic schools and universities.
Ustadh Younes Dadesi, Serving as an Imam and preacher in Dubai for over 11 years, he excels in the ten Quranic recitations. He speaks Arabic fluently and communicates effectively in English and French. With teaching experience, he actively participates in schools and educates in various locations. He focuses on proper Quranic recitation, Arabic language, and Tajweed. He contributes to community service and holds memberships in Islamic school committees and universities.
Ustadh Bilal Dadsi, Experienced teacher in Quran and religious studies for 10 years. Currently leads prayers and delivers sermons in a mosque in Dubai since 2015. Fluent in French, English, and Arabic, with participation in international conferences. Specializes in teaching proper Quranic recitation, Arabic language, and Tajweed. Also engaged in community service and holds memberships in Islamic school committees and universities.
Ustadah Aisha Hussain, a dedicated student of Islamic studies based in the U.A.E., has acquired knowledge of the deen under various esteemed scholars such as Sheikh Anees al Musa’abi, Sheikh Muhammad Abdullah, Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Rasi Ar Rais, Ustadh Abdul Rahman Hassan, and Ustadh Muhammad Tim Humble. She holds a diploma in understanding the Quran from Al Huda International.
The program is designed for young boys & girls aged 11 to 16 years old.
There won’t be interviews for this track. However, seats are very limited. Register now to secure your spot!
Yes, absolutely! You can join this track even if you haven’t joined the previous one. We would be happy to welcome you.
The program spans over a period of approximately 4 weeks
The program is held at the following locations:
- Time: 10:00am – 11:30am
- Days: Tuesday and Thursday
- Participants: Boys only
- Location Link: Click here
- Time: 5:00pm – 6:30pm
- Days: Monday and Wednesday
- Participants: Boys only
- Location Link: Click here
- Time: 7:30pm – 8:40pm
- Days: Monday and Wednesday
- Participants: Boys and Girls
- Location Link: Click here
- Time: 10:00am – 11:30am
- Days: Monday and Wednesday
- Participants: Boys only
- Location Link: Click here
- Time: 10:00am – 11:30am
- Days: Tuesday and Thursday
- Participants: Girls only
- Location Link: Click here
Attendance is mandatory for all participants. If the student’s absence reaches 30%, they may be excluded from the program.
I’ll send you any scientific materials via WhatsApp if necessary.
There won’t be any interviews, but seats are limited. Register now to reserve your spot!
No specific conditions are required.
Transportation is not available.
After each lesson, there will be a short test, and at the end of the lessons, students will be evaluated with a set of questions. Further details will be explained by the teachers in the classroom.
The program is for both boys and girls, but it depends on the location. Please refer to the location schedule for details.
Yes, they should bring their own snacks.
The program will consist of structured lessons designed with a direct question-and-answer approach. We will also use simple language to clarify and summarize ideas, making it easy for students in the age group to understand.
The student will be evaluated through periodic assessments that will be sent to parents, covering aspects of attendance, academic benefit, and participation in the lesson.