Friday, 31st Jan 2020
4pm - 10 pm
Al Mizhar Cultural & Islamic Center
Al Mizhar, Dubai
Seats: As per capacity
14yrs onwards
Aed 100/- per student
Course Book Included
Language: English
Refreshment & Snacks
Trials and Tribulations
A double-edged sword which can either lead us closer to the Almighty or mislead us further away from Him.
Our trials may come in various forms; personal, spiritual, physical, and many more. But no matter what trial may befall us, they all share many of the same features and challenges. And thus it is imperative for us as Muslims to educate ourselves about the various methods of responding to these trials and tribulations. So that we can recognize them and be steadfast during the trying times.
Deriving its roots from the authentic Sunnah documented in the Book of Fitan in Saheeh al Bukhari, this course will let you discover the various aspects related to the reality of fitan. Taught by our beloved Ustadh Abdulrahman, this course will in shaa Allah enlighten you about the various topics related to trials and tribulations and help you explore scenarios that will allow you to deal with your issues in a way which reflects the teachings of Islam.
- Causes of trials and tribulations
- What a muslim should do during these trying times
- How a muslim should deal with a tyrannical ruler
- How the muslims should deal with the issues between them
- The stance of the pious predecessors regarding trials
- The importance of the scholars in times of tribulations
- The signs of the Final Day
- The great tribulations of the Dajjal and Ya’juj and Ma’juj
“And We will surely test you until We make evident those who strive among you [for the cause of Allah] and the patient, and We will test your affairs”
Noble Qur’an (47:31)
About the speaker
Ustadh AbdulRahman Hassan memorised Qur’an and Buloogh Al-Muraam by the age of 10. He has travelled to different countries to study with a number of prominent scholars. He is the founder of Al Madrasatu Al Umariyyah, an online program in the English language for seeking knowledge in the classical way. He has studied with prominent scholars such as: Shaykh Saalih Al-Fawzaan – Shaykh Muhammad Aadam Al-Ethiobee – Shaykh AbdulKareem Khudayr – Shaykh AbdulMuhsin Al-Abbaad – Saad Ibn Nasir Al Shithree – Shaykh Abdullah Al-Ubaylaan.
Register Now
- Confirmation of seat requires online registration and payment on or before of 30th Jan 2020.
- Only limited seats are available and registration confirmation is solely on first come first serve basis.
- Transportation is not available.
- Click on the next tab to find out more on how to pay and submit your proof of payment.
- For more information please contact us on info@kalemah.org
To confirm your seat, kindly make a payment at the earliest after registering. For your convenience we have provided 3 modes of payment, as listed below:
Cash/Card Payment any day of the week from 09 am – 6 pm except on Friday between 9.00 am 12.00 pm. Click here for the location.
Make a deposit at the nearest Dubai Islamic Bank Cash Deposit Machine.
Bank Account Information:
Name: Kalema Center,
Account no: 001520263604201
Transfer the fee amount to the following IBAN number: AE08 0240 0015 2026 3604 201.
Bank Account Information:
Name: Kalema Center,
Bank: Dubai Islamic Bank,
Account no: 001520263604201,
Branch: Al Qusais,
Swift code (8 digit): DUIBAEAD,
Swift code (11 digit): DUIBAEADXXX.
To submit the proof of payment, kindly send the receipt along with your name & mobile number with the subject line: ‘The Reality of Fitan’ via email to info@kalemah.org